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Bernadette Spieler

Zurich University of Teacher Education, Switzerland

Bernadette Spieler joined the Zurich University for Teacher Education at the Center for Media Education and Computer Science and the newly established Center for Education and Digital Transformation, in February 2021 as Professor of Computing Skills in Education. In 2020, she was a visiting professor and head of the Department of  Didactics of Computer Science at the Institute for Mathematics and Applied Computer Science at the University of Hildesheim. 

She received her PhD at TU Graz with a work on “Development and Evaluation of Concepts and Tools to Reinforce Gender Equality by Engaging Female Teenagers in Coding”, where she still is product owner and member of the board of the Catrobat-project (, a non-profit project that develops free and educational apps for young people and adults and trains logical processes, creative solutions and easy to understand contexts as future skills.

Her research focuses on the 4 fields of computer science education and didactics, educational technology, application development, and the topic of gender & diversity in tech & education. Her ultimate goal is to use her experience in computer science education, software engineering, and gender/diversity in a meaningful way to contribute to the scientific profile of future teachers. She wants to promote lifelong learning and help people succeed in the new digital age.