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National Policy Building Workshops in TrainDL-partner countries

In August 2021, national policy building workshops took place in Austria, Germany and Lithuania, which are the first important input for the further development of the project in the course of TrainDL's policy experimentation design.

The first round of policy building workshops has taken place in Austria, Germany, and Lithuania. National workshops were held in each of the three partner countries, to which participants from politics (ministries), education administration (subordinate authorities), and science (universities) were invited.

In an open working atmosphere, questions were dealt with in exciting discussions and productive working sessions:

What are the essential policies to consider in the context of data literacy and AI education in teacher training/ in school education? What do suitable training modules look like? What principles & guidelines need to be formulated for good teacher training and OER (Open Educational Resources) material? What do recommendations in this field for the decision-makers in all three partner countries and beyond look like?

The results from the three workshops are now being processed and will find their way into the first field trials (test training) for teachers in CS (Computer Science Education) that will be conducted in the upcoming months.