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Steering Committee and Consortial Meeting – Round Five!

Just this week, the leaders of all work packages in TrainDL and the involved public authorities met for two days of exchange and discussion. As there are only eleven months of the project left, improvements in processes and transitions such as workshops for new target groups had to be discussed and arranged.

Besides a workshop titled "Prompting the parrots", which intrigued all partners before it had even begun, the participants also had the chance to discuss the policy recommendations that are being developed across the phases of the project and receive insights into modules for teaching artificial intelligence (AI) and data literacy in primary education. Another focus was the TrainDL Summit, a symposium for the closing of the project, where the team will present ideas and results for implementing AI and data literacy in schools and teacher education.

For the fifth time now, the consortial partners and representatives from public authorities have come together to discuss current challenges and learnings in their work and foster the exchange between authorities and researchers. Everyone is already looking forward to the sixth time: The next meetings will be held on-site in Vilnius, Lithuania!